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Understanding human nature is important in developing an ideal form of government because it helps to shape policies and systems that align with how people naturally behave. By considering human nature, governments can create structures that promote equity, justice, and prosperity for all citizens, while also accounting for potential human failings such as greed or corruption. Ultimately, a government that takes human nature into account is more likely to be effective and sustainable in serving its population.

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Q: Why is the topic of human nature important to consider when developing and ideal form of government?
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Which statement explains how thomas hobbes's view of human nature influenced the way monarchs ruled?

Answer this question…Because human nature was selfish, rulers used their absolute power to prevent social chaos from developing

Why was Thomas Hobbes important?

Thomas Hobbes was important because he was a key figure in political philosophy and his work laid the foundation for modern social contract theory. His book "Leviathan" was influential in shaping thinking about the nature of government and society. Hobbes is known for his idea of the state of nature, where life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short without the presence of a strong central authority.

Who is the father of modern political philosophy?

Many consider Thomas Hobbes to be the father of modern political philosophy due to his influential work "Leviathan," which addressed the social contract and the nature of government. Hobbes' ideas laid the foundation for many political theorists who followed him.

Who had the idea that humans exist in a primitive state of nature and consent to government for self protection?

The idea that humans exist in a primitive state of nature and consent to government for self-protection is often attributed to philosopher Thomas Hobbes. He argued in his book "Leviathan" that in the state of nature, life is "nasty, brutish, and short," and individuals create a social contract to establish a government that can provide security and order.

What did john Locke believe about State of nature?

John Locke believed that in the "state of nature," individuals are inherently free and equal, possessing natural rights to life, liberty, and property. He argued that the purpose of government is to protect these rights and that if a government fails to do so, individuals have the right to rebel and establish a new government.

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Which statement explains how thomas hobbes's view of human nature influenced the way monarchs ruled?

Answer this question…Because human nature was selfish, rulers used their absolute power to prevent social chaos from developing

According to Tintern Abbey the second stage in man's developing relation with nature is that in which he experiences sensory delight in nature?

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