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It's named after a river in Africa. The disease was first identified in the Ebola River valley.

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9y ago

Ebola first appeared in 1976 in Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo happened in a village near the Ebola River.

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Q: Why is the virus called Ebola?
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What is the common name for Ebola virus?

The Ebola virus is the actual name of the pathogen that causes Ebola. Yes, it is a virulent pathogen, but that is to the name, just a description.

How main strains of the Ebola virus are there?

There are five strains of ebola virus. The Zaire ebola virus in 1976, Sudan ebola virus in 1976, Reston ebola virus in 1989, Cote d'Ivoire virus in 1994, Bundibugyo ebola virus discovered in the year 2007.

Is Ebola a virus or bacteria?

It is a virus. Ebola is a RNA virus.

Is Ebola a virus bacteria?

It is a virus. Ebola is a RNA virus.

Is Ebola Virus a fungus?

No. Ebola is a virus. No virus is a fungus and no fungus is a virus.

Is filo virus and Ebola virus the same?

Filovirus isn't actually a virus itself, rather it refers to the family Filoviridae, which contains several viruses, including Ebola. Ebola used to be called Zaire ebolavirus.

Is Ebola a virus or disease?

Ebola is a virus disease.

What is the name of the pathogen that causes the Ebola?

Since viruses are nonliving, they are not given genus and species names. This virus is called the Ebola hemorrhagic virus (EHV).

What is the width of the Ebola virus?

The width of an ebola virus is about 100 nanometers.

What kingdom does the Ebola virus belong to?

Ebola is a virus, and as such, it is not part of any of the kingdoms of life.

How long do Ebola virus lives in an Ebola survivor?


Is the Ebola virus living?

No. No virus is living.