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The water cycle is never ending because the water evaporates bak into the sky and then it raind and it keeps going on because I told it to go on forever

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Q: Why is the water cycle never ending?
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What is waters never-ending process?

The never ending water process is the water cycle.

What is the beginning of the water cycle?

No, because it is a never-ending process.

How the water cycle related to weather patterns and climate?

It is related because the water cycle is never ending, so the weather depends on where we are in the cycle.

Never ending path water takes between earth and the atmosphere is called the?

Water cycle.

Why is the water cycle a water cycle?

Because water cycles (gets recycled over & over again).

How Is The Water Cycle Is Related To Weather Patterns And Climate?

It is related because the water cycle is never ending, so the weather depends on where we are in the cycle.

What makes a cycle a cycle?

The fact that it's never ending

Where douse the water from the ocean go to?

Much of it evaporates in the air, and returns as rain, in a never ending cycle.

What stage in the water cycle does clouds form?

It is a water cycle. A cycle, circle, never-ending thing. You cannot say that something that has no end and no beginning has "stages"

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