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The water was most likely black because it was carrying a lot of sediment. Much of the rock in Japan is basalt, which is usually black.

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Q: Why is the water of the tsunami in japan black?
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Why was the sea water black in japan tsunami?

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Where was the tsunmai in Japan?

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No, the earthquake in the ocean cause the water to make the tsunami

How the Japan Tsunami started?

The tsunami happened because the tectonic plates slipped causing a water displacement.

How was the Japan tsunami created?

An earthquake completely shattered part of Japan causing the tsunami. A tsunami starts when part of the foundations of the country/island move the sea and pushes the water forwards, causing it to overlap itself and create a tsunami.

How did the tsunami on Japan originated?

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Why did the Japan tsunami happen?

Because of an Earthquake that happened which displaced a lot of water causing the tsunami.

Where did the Japan tsunami hit?

The tsunami hit Japan's northeastern islands.

What was the origin of Japan tsunami?

By the tectonic plates slipping which caused a displacement of water.