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Q: Why is the word atom is an appropriate term for Democritus?
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Who coined the word atom?

The Greeks, from the word atomon, meaning "uncuttable, indivisible."

What is the history of the term "atom".?

A Greek philosopher named Democritus of Abdera coined the word atom in about 420 B.C.

Coined the word atom?


Who is the Greek philosopher invented the word atom?


Did Democritus name the atom?

Because Democritus thought that atom was indivisible. He thought that everything in the universe is made up of only one thing which is so tiny called atoms. The word 'atom' came from the greek word 'atomos' meaning 'indivisible'.

Democritus gave his basic particle the name atom which means what?

This name is the Greek word atomos.

Why did Democritus call the smallest piece of matter an atomos?

Democritus got the word atom from his mentor Leucippus. The word atom is Greek for indivisible. He said that all matter was made up of these atoms which were indivisible and indestructible.

Why did Democritus call the smallest piece matter atoms?

Democritus was Greek and the Greek word for atom meant "not able to be cut"" or "indivisible".

Who was the greek philosopher responsible for naming the atom?

The Greek philosopher that named the atom was Democritus. In Greek, the word atomos means indivisible. Democritus was born in Abdera, Greece in 460 BC.

Who was the first person to use the word atom to describe the fundamental particles of matter?

I believe it was Democritus.

When did Dalton come up with the atom?

Dalton didn't discover the atom. Democritus did. Dalton, however was the first to use the word atom. which comes from the GGreek word atomos, meaning "cannot be split"

Why did democritus think atoms existed?

democritus believed that the atom or was basically just teeny bits of whatever the base object is. the word atom comes from "atomos" wich means that you cant break it down any farther.