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Q: Why is there 11 million paperclips in the memorial instead of the initial number holocaust?
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What is the word people say instead of saying holocaust?

The Holocaust is sometimes referred to as the Final Solution or as the Shoah.

Who were famous victims in the Holocaust instead of anne frank?

Elie Wiesel

What will happen in the next twenty years with Holocaust education?

The current trend in Holocaust education is to speak about the Holocaust in universal terms instead of as a crime against the Jews. Alvin Rosenfeld wrote a book called The End of the Holocaust, which claims that the Holocaust has been universalized into a set of vague abstractions about human brutality, and even occasionally used against the Jews themselves. If this trend continues, Holocaust education will focus on themes of hope and redemption instead of the brutal genocide that it was.

Who was the Holocaust sponsored by?

No one sponsored the Holocaust, it wasn't an sports event but instead an Genocide. Hitler, the Nazis and the SS were people who started and maintain it.

How would the Holocaust been different if they had a democracy instead of a communist state?

Germany was not a communist state.

What does holocausty mean?

The word doesn't really exist ... Instead, one uses holocaust as an adjective.

What is judeocide?

The word is hardly used. It means 'killing Jews' (on a large scale) and is occasionally used instead of Holocaust. The term judeocide is associated in particular with the work of Arno Mayer, a well known historian, who is keen to demystify the Holocaust and who has misgivings about Holocaust remembrance, which he regards as a cult.

What President usually just used his middle initial instead of the name Birchard?

linden b Johnson

What president usually just used his middle initial instead of the name Gamaliel?

warren g harding

Can you get your tongue pierced with a retainer instead of surgical steel so it's not as noticeable?

No. Retainers are made of plastic which is not suitable for initial piercing. Initial piercing should always be done with a titanium barbell.

How many names are on the Vietnam memorial?

The website Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall has a information column that might supply those answers.

Where did most Jews go during the holocaust?

After the Holocaust most people went back to their homes but instead of finding their homes their neighborhoods were destroyed. So techniquelly there is no answer to this question because we simply don't know unless we were in the holocaust ourselves.