

Why is there a difference in temperature on Saturn?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Because it is a different distance from the sun compared to the earth

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Q: Why is there a difference in temperature on Saturn?
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What is the temperature of night on Saturn?

Saturn is the gas Giant with tiny core deep down the atmosphere. Surface temperature of Saturn is govern by its' thermodynamic cycle of rise and sink of massive gases. I believe, the surface temperature at the reference surface would not be of any great difference may be 10,000 oC with insignificant difference of day and night.

What is the maximum and minimum temperature for Saturn?

52.22 °C is the maximum temperature on Saturn.

What is the temperature on Saturn in ks?

The mean temperature on Saturn is 88 K

What is the temperature on Saturn in degrees centigrade?

the temperature on Saturn is exactly -180 C

What is the teperature of Saturn?

The temperature of Saturn is -288

What is Saturn's lowest surface temperature?

Surface temperature? Saturn probably doesn't HAVE a "surface".

Saturn has a average of what temperature?

Saturn has an average temperature of negative 285 degrees Fahrenheit.

What are Saturn's geological traits?

Saturn is mid temperature and others.

What is the planet Saturn's temperature day?

its 140c daily on saturn

Saturn's average surface temperature?

The average temperature on Saturn is -288 degrees Fahrenheit, or -178 Celsius. Much of the planet's temperature variation is horizontal.

What is the planet temp of planet Saturn?

the temperature of planet saturn is -172C

What is the min and max temperature of Saturn?

The surface temperature of Saturn at 1 bar is 134 Kelvin which equates to -139o Celsius