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Q: Why is there a limit to how much a muscle can shorten as it contracts?
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The muscle contracts and shortens and the insertion end moves toward the point of origin. This sentence describes?

Essentially the second half of your question is what happens when a muscle contracts on a larger scale. On a much smaller scale, the contraction of muscle is caused by myosin proteins pulling themselves along the surface of an actin protein, which shortens the muscle. Muscles pull the bone that they are attached to at their point of insertion towards their point of origin.

Can too much muscle relaxants stop the heart?

Definitely. Your heart is a muscle, and muscle relaxers do exactly what they sound like: relax your muscles.An overdose of muscle relaxers can also relax your diaphragm (the muscle beneath you lungs that contracts and expands, allowing you to breathe). Relaxation of the diaphragm would inhibit contraction and, therefore, breathing.

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Which one? I got 5-deca-zol for $75 at complete...

Is the lungs a muscle?

Lungs are not muscles. They are made up of connective, epithelial, and nervous tissues. The diaphragm is the muscle that contracts and relaxes to expand and relax the chest cavity. Your lungs just fill with air -- which is why they appear to be moving (much like a when a balloon fills with air).

What is in the black of the human eye?

The black of the human eye is a hole called the pupil. The color part is really a muscle which contracts and dilates depending on how much light there is in the environment. When there is a lot of light, the iris (colored muscle) contracts, making the "hole" smaller. When there is limited light in an environment, the iris relaxes, which in turn causes the pupil to increase size. So the black is just a whole in the muscle where light enters the eye to be focused by the lens and computed by the brain.

Can stress kill?

Yes if too much it can shorten your life

Can Coke or Pepsi shorten life?

If you drink too much then yes.

What is the difference between muscular strength and muscular power?

muscular strength is the capacity or the limit of your muscle. muscular power is how much can your muscle exert.

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