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Q: Why is there less energy arriving at the surface of the earth in this country in winter than summer?
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Why is there less energy arriving at the surface of the earth in this country in winter than in summer?

In England we get less energy in winter because we are in the northern hemisphere and in winter the northern hemisphere is tilted away from the sun so we dont get as much sunlight which is our energy.

Is the sun hotter in the summer?

No. In the summer, the hemisphere you are in is tilted toward the sun. As a result, the sun's rays strike the surface at a steeper angle and the energy is less spread out than in other seasons, so there is more solar energy delivered to an area of a given size.

Why does a solar panel make less amps in winter than summer?

The reason why winter is colder than summer is that sunlight is arriving at a more oblique angle, and therefore delivers less energy per unit of area; this creates less heating and also produces less photoelectric power in a solar panel.

Why is country music played a lot during the summer?

Most country songs are about the summer.

What is the definition for duration of insolation?

Duration of insolation refers to the length of time that an area or surface is exposed to sunlight. It is typically measured in hours and can vary depending on the time of year, latitude, and weather conditions of a specific location.

Why do you need more energy in the winter than the summer?

In the winter it's cold and you need energy to keep you warm and in the summer it's hot you don't need energy you let out energy when you sweat etc.

What happens when you stay in a different country for summer?

in summer in your country is hot like really hot and when u go to some other country u fill cold ......... and in your country on summer time is cold u fill hot

How much water should a pool lose on an average summer day in the south?

The answer will depend on the South of what? Which country or continent?It will also depend of the exposed surface area of the water in pool.

Surface of Mars?

The surface of mars is 68 degrees in summer and -220degrees in the winter it does not get much heat.

What is a summer love song that isn't country?

"Summer Nights" from Grease.

What season is it when the sun is heating earths surface the most?

It is summer when the sun is heating earths surface the most.

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