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As studied , there is less amount of concentrated urine is produced in human beings during summer as most of the waste products are sent out of the body by sweat and we also drink a lot of water during summer which makes the urine dilute.

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External temperature is not a factor in determining concentration of urine. That is determined by the amount of fluid in the body the kidneys have to excrete or retain.

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less water because one presumes you would be sweating, but if you drunk sufficient water to replace the sweat it would not change

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Q: Why is there more concentrated urine in summer?
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Yes, ADH helps us to retain water but at the same time we need to excrete waste. As a result the urine that we do excrete is more concentrated with waste products.

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Concentrated, the more excess water is present in the body the more dilute the urine becomes.

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Urine is supposed to have creatinine in it. It's a waste product. The more creatinine it has, the more concentrated it is. It's not unsafe necessarily to have really concentrated urine, but it does put you at greater risk for kidney stones and UTIs.

What is the relationship between antidiuretic hormone and the colour of urine?

As adh aids in the reabsorbtion of water in the kidneys urine becomes more concentrated so urine becomes darker.

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Someone with highly concentrated urine may be dehydrated, and fluids may help.

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