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There is: when you punch through the air the air pressure around your fist changes even though you can't see it.

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Q: Why is there no equal and opposite reaction when you punch into the air?
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Why is there no equal and opposite reaction when you jump into the air?

answ2. When you jump up, there is a force on the ground exactly equal to the force required for that particular leap. But of opposite sign.And when you land, the force on the ground is equal to the force you feel on landing. Again, of opposite sign.

How does Newtons 3rd law of motion apply to a horse jumping?

Newton's Third Law states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." And so the horse jumps by pushing against the earth in which the earth then pushes an equal and opposite amount of force on the horse which makes it goes up in the air.

Why must the open end of the balloon face backwards if you want the car to move forward?

The open end of the balloon must face backwards because when air is released from the balloon, it creates propulsion in the opposite direction, which propels the car forward. If the open end of the balloon faced forward, the expelled air would create propulsion in the wrong direction, causing the car to move backward.

Example for newton's thrid law of motion?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.Example: The flying motion of birds is a good example of the Newton's third law. The wings push the air downwards. In turn the air reacts by pushing the wings (and therefore the bird) upwards. The size of the force on the air equals the size of the force on the bird; the direction of the force on the air which is downwards is opposite the direction of the force on the bird which is upward. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Tricky Question: Consider what happens when a small car collides with a heavy truck. Does the truck exert more force on the car, or does the car exert more force on the truck? Answer: Neither. They both exert the same amount of force on each other (Newton's Third Law). The car's acceleration is more dramatic because the same force is being applied to a smaller mass.

How do action-reaction pairs explain how a rocket lifts off?

As a rocket burns fuel, it expels exhaust gases. When the gases are forced out of the rocket, they exert an equal and opposite force on the rocket. A rocket can rise into the air because the gases it expels with a downward force exert an equal but opposite force on the rocket. As long as this upward pushing force, called thrust, is greater than the downward pull of gravity, there is a net force in the upward direction. As a result, the rocket accelerates upwards.-information from Prentice Hall, Science Explorer: Physical Science

Related questions

What does action and reaction forces mean in physics?

action means equal and reaction means opposite example: if you let air pop out of a balloon air rushes out downward (action),balloon is forced upward(reaction).

Why is there no equal and opposite reaction when you jump into the air?

answ2. When you jump up, there is a force on the ground exactly equal to the force required for that particular leap. But of opposite sign.And when you land, the force on the ground is equal to the force you feel on landing. Again, of opposite sign.

Which of newton's laws of motion explains why when air rushes out of a balloon the balloon moves in the opposite direction?

This is Newton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

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air pressure and the ratios of weight and stuff. it also involves newton's law of motion 'for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction'.

How does a balloon powered race car apply to Newton's laws of Motion?

A balloon rocket lab demonstrates one of Newton's Laws, because as Newton's Third Law states:"For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction."When the balloon rockets over the string, the air being released from the balloon is forcing against the air, and the air is producing an opposite and equal reaction, which pushes the balloon forward. The air being released from the balloon is pushing against the air, and the air is stopping the air coming out of the balloon, essentially propelling the balloon.That is how it demonstrates one of Newton's Laws (3rd Law, to be specific).

What does newtons third law mean give examples?

Isaac Newtons IIIrd law is "To every action there is a equal and opposite reaction" Like a if you threw a ball in the air it would go up:equal reaction then gravity would bring it down:opposite reaction.

How does Newtons 3rd law of motion apply to a horse jumping?

Newton's Third Law states that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." And so the horse jumps by pushing against the earth in which the earth then pushes an equal and opposite amount of force on the horse which makes it goes up in the air.

Why do airplanes fly according to newtons third law?

Newton's third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In an airplane the action is the engine pushing the air behind it. The reaction is the plane moving forward. Also the airplane wings are angled so that air is pushed down making the air push the plane upward.

Which is an example of action and reaction forces?

When an air fillae baloon sets free the air inside it rushes out it is action of air as a reaction the balloon moves in opposite direction this is reaction When we throw a ball on a wall: the throwing process is action. In reaction the wall bounces the ball back to us

How does a balloon-powered race car apply to newtons laws of motion?

A balloon powered car is moves because the balloon pushes out air. Whenever something exerts a force on something else (in other words, the balloon is exerting force on the air), then the object being pushed always exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the object exerting force on it (in other words, the air exerts force on the balloon). Because the balloon is attached to the car, when the balloon is pushed by the air, the car is pushed. The law that for every force there is an equal and opposite reaction force is Newton's Third Law of Motion.

What force from expansion of gases pushes rockets forward?

Thermal expansion of the combusting gases in the rocket nozzles (bottom of the rocket) pushes them against the outside air, and the equal-and-opposite reaction is to push the rocket upward.

What has more of a kick a bullet or blank?

Generally a bullet. With a blank, one is only propelling air and gases. With a bullet, one is propelling air, gases AND a heavy chunk of metal. Newton's 3rd law tells us that for every action, there is an equal & opposite reaction. Pushing a mass of metal at a high velocity will produce a decent reaction (kick).