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so many people are religious because they need something to believe in if you aren't then maybe you should go study a religion it's intresting.

Contrary to the above statement you do not need to study a religion at all. Certain people may find it interesting others do not.

What it comes down to is that it is your choice and if you want toi believe than you can.

A common theory on why religion exists is that it is due to people's fear of dying and ceasing to exist - it makes death so much less scary if it is not the end.

Not only does it make death so much less scary, but it makes real life much less valuable... Serve GOD in this life, and be rewarded in the next. The question who says what it means to serve GOD?

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Just as we have different races of people, different languages, different geographical regions, different food tastes, different cultures etc, similarly we have different religions. Most of these religions are culturally or geographically specific.

(additional answer) People are always coming up with new ideas; we have new inventions, new political ideas, new forms of art, and so forth. It is not surprising that people also come up with new religions periodically.

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13y ago

well, most people think that their religion can save their spirits and from hell. And other people seek for their Holy book, like the Qu'ran or The Bible in the times of trouble. To some people, worshipping God or other gods is a way of releasing their stress and the Holy book has answers and the truth in them. People don't know what is exactly true but if they are religious, they look in their Holy book and say, "so that's what God/my god said about this particular subject."


From A Christian perspective:

I do not believe in religion. I believe in Jesus, God's Son, who came to earth and paid the price for my actions that have done to separate myself from the one and only God. Then he rose from the dead. And so will I, because I believe he did this for me, and I will live for eternity in the presence of the almighty God.

Religion is tradition that people follow over and over again. I have faith that is formed by other's written experiences of God (the Bible), present people's experiences and my own experiences. I have seen the living God work in my life and the lives of others. Because of His love for me I want to learn more about Him, talk to Him, and do things that honor Him. These actions some would call religion. I say they are actions that I do in response to a very real love that I have experienced in relationship with my Savior.

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8y ago

Some people worship the gods of their parents because they have never stopped to really consider whether there really are any gods. Those who enquire may come to the realisation that there is no God, but religion also provides some people with comfort and a sense of purpose.
For many, the religion they learnt as a child is no more than a vague part of their culture or identity. But when a personal crisis or challenge arises, some may turn to religion for comfort or in the hope that their God or gods will help.

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8y ago

Sometimes because of research and thinking, and sometimes through tradition or peers.

Religion connects them to the majority of mankind, past and present. No ancient society ever existed that did not believe in the supernatural. Those who dismiss belief may be compared to an astronaut floating away from the lifeline.


1) Religion may assist them in overcoming peer pressure.

2) Religion often adds to people's self-discipline, whose lack has led our society to epidemic obesity, drunkenness, depression and ennui, divorce rates, violence etc.

3) Religion may provide a whole additional layer of education.

4) Religion may provide emotional fortitude, helping one overcome hardships.

5) Religion provides a sense of identity and a community, with its ambiance and mutual help.

6) Religion provides a life and a sense of purpose.

See also:

Can you show me that God exists?

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