

Why is there space between particles?

Updated: 5/26/2024
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13y ago

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Yes there are empty spaces between molecules of water. Water forms "bonds" between each molecule in the liquid space. I say "bonds" because they are not the covalent bonds or ionic bonds you may be use to. They are hydrogen bonds that form because each end of the water molecule has a certain charge. The oxygen atom takes on a very strong negative charge while the hydrogens are much more positive. The attraction between them causes them to come really close but they do not bond exactly. So yes there is space between molecules. And since all atoms are 99.99999% empty your glass of water is actually almost empty in terms of space!!!

The 99.999999% empty space referred to above is INSIDE the individual atoms, not between them. Yes there are spaces between water molecules, this can be shown by measuring the volume of water in a glass. Then measure the volume of some sugar. Dissolve the sugar in the water and measure the volume of the mixture, it will not be the sum of the separate volumes.

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11y ago
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1w ago

The space between particles is due to the arrangement of atoms and molecules in matter. Atoms are not tightly packed together but have gaps between them, creating empty space. This space allows for movement of particles and gives matter its volume and flexibility.

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13y ago

There are spaces between water molecules because they are not in their lowest energy state.

As you add energy, the space between molecules will increase for this is the easiest way for the substance to entrain the energy. Normally referred to as thermal expansion.

As heat is added to a crystal matrix, (ice) the molecules will separate more from each other and form a fluid. Commonly called melting. It takes a lot of energy to complete this melting process, and this is known as latent heat of fusion.

As more energy is added, then the molecules of liquid will bounce against each other more vigorously and your liquid expands.

If you add more heat again, the bonds between the molecules will eventually break, and individual molecules will break free from the liquid, and now become the appropriate gas. Water vapour in our example.

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15y ago

surprisingly, vacuum or empty space. Two atoms (or nuclei or molecules) cannot be at the same location at the same time -- Pauli' Exclusion Principle. In addition, like charges repel. the electron clouds of two atoms or molecules will repel each other before they can get too close. Likewise, two nuclei, happily separated before, will be very upset if they become too intimate.

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14y ago

Yes and no, liquid water is molecules. Water is just a bunch of H2O molecules touching each other, what you perceive as water is those molecules. Think of it like a lawn, if you are far away all you see is green ground but if you get closer you can see that it's not a uniform covering but a bunch of little blades of grass.

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Nardeen Sheikh

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3y ago

the kinetic theory of matter says that all matter is composed of particles which have a certain amount of energy which allows them to move at different speeds depending on the temperature (energy) all of the states of matter have spaces between the particles but have a smaller space between them if they are a solid. you can do more research about the particles for the other states of matter

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theyre gay

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DS7 The Gamer

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3y ago

Empty Space

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