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Because it's light and very strong.

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Q: Why is titanium used in fighter planes?
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What type of material do they use now to make airplanes?

Aluminium for passenger planes and titanium for fighter planes

Where is titanium used on an airplane?

Titanium is a metal. we use it for make aero planes structures.

How many different kinds of us fighter planes were used in world war 2?

kinds of fighter planes

What was fighter planes used for?

Fighter aircraft are used to shoot down enemy aircraft.

How is titanium used in modern society?

Titanium is a metal. we use it for make aero planes structures and surgical instruments.

What were planes used for in World War I?

Observation/recon, bombing and fighter.

Would the sentence i am obsessed with fighter planes be correct?

Only if you are obsessed with fighter planes.

What weapons were primarly used in the Battle of Britain?

Machine guns on fighter planes.

What fighter planes were used in the 1933 film King Kong?

Curtiss Helldivers

Why titanium is commonly used for making satellites?

Firstly, the question should be phrased, why is titanium used in airplanes? Secondly, titanium is used for aircrafts as it is as strong as steel and yet as half as light. This is perfect for planes as less fuel is needed in order to get the craft in the air and it is unlikely to break as the metal is very strong.

How many fighter planes do Saudi arabi has?

They have an air force. The planes they have are American made fighter jets and Saudi pilots are trained by the American Air Force/services.

What are the fuels use in fighter planes?

jet fueljet fueljet fueljet fueljet fuelThat's all folks