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Notice the word "fossils " this is no mistake. After millions of years of heat and pressure the fossils became oil and other fuels that we use. Once gone they are gone because we don't have the time that it took for the death of dinosaurs to make it.

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Q: Why is using fossil fuels considered unsustainable?
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Why cant you use fossil fuels at the same rate were using them now?

Using them isn't the problem; burning them is--and it is killing the planet, releasing unsustainable amounts of CO2.

Why are we still using fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels and uranium

Why are natural resources fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are considered to be an exhaustible resource because they are available in only limited quantities. Fossil Fuels take thousands, if not millions, of years to replenish and people are using them up too fast so they can not renew.

Why should you stop using fossil fuels?

There will eventually be no fossil fuels to use in the world.

How does population affect fossil fuels?

Population affects fossill fuels by people using the fossil fuels

Is electricity made of fossil fuels?

No. Some electricity is made by using fossil fuels. There's a difference.

Is kinetic energy stored by fossil fuels?

No. Fossil fuels store chemical energy. It is this chemical energy we tap by using them for fuels.

What would happen if people keep using fossil fuels?

If you keep using fossil fuels it there will be no more and you cant give off energy.

What is fossil fuels that can be obtained using current technology called?

Fossil fuels that can be obtained using current technology are called proven reserves.

Why scientist concern about burning fossil fuels?

Because it is considered a non-renewable resource, meaning there is a limited supply of it. They are concerned because at the rate we are using fossil fuels they won't last us much longer.

Why are scientist concerned about burning fossil fuels?

Because it is considered a non-renewable resource, meaning there is a limited supply of it. They are concerned because at the rate we are using fossil fuels they won't last us much longer.

What should you use instead of fossil fuels?

We use fossil fuels all the time and we will keep using them. You should really just cut back on how many fossil fuels you are using. Unplug plugs when your not using them etc, etc I hope this helped