

Why is viva better than bounty?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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bounty is better because it absorbs much more because mohamed yusuf said so OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OAKY BECAUSE HE SAID SO OKAY OKAY OKAY OKAY OAKY OKAY

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12y ago
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Q: Why is viva better than bounty?
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i think that viva is better, it has small ripples that literally soak up the water or other liquids. Bounty is better than viva LOL

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i think that viva is better, it has small ripples that literally soak up the water or other liquids. Bounty is better than viva LOL

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BOUNTY DUH!-AnswerActually, the true answer is Viva. Viva withholds more water than Bounty. Bounty is not really the "quicker picker upper" when dealing with water at least. Not too sure about coffee, kool-aid, or any other liquid. (:

Which paper towel brand is the most absorbent Bounty Viva or Mardi Gras?

bounty is the better absorbent then viva then mardi gras bounty is way better cause it absorbs much more - In my experiment, I found Viva to hold more water than Bounty. In fact, Viva held nearly double the amount of water than Bounty. I'm sorry I did not use the brand Mardi Gras. -But i think Bounty is the best paper towel for now.I use Bounty for a long time and I'm so satisfied with this paper towel.There are many facts you need to know about this brand of paper towel. -Just click related link to find a few facts about Bounty paper towel. -I just did an experiment using Bounty, Viva, Mardi Gras, and Sparkle. I found that Viva is the most absorbant, with Bounty coming in second, Sparkle coming in third and Mardi Gras coming in last. Viva - 1/2 cups Bounty- 1/4 cups(a little bit over.) Sparkle- 1/4 cups Mardi Gras- 1/8 cups

How absorbent is sparkle?

its better than viva option bounty decorative towels and walmart brand towels sparkle beats them all

What is the difference between bounty and viva paper towels?

depends if you using kleenex viva or regular? because kleenex viva will absorb more than he other two. however, if you are using regular viva, bounty will absorb more. i did this on my 6th grade a science fair project

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because its white not brown

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What song is better than Viva la Vida?

This is a opinionated question. Only the song you want or think are better than Viva la Viva are.