

Why is weathring important?

Updated: 5/3/2024
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10y ago

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weathering is important becaus its part of how to make soil without weathring we would not be living

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1mo ago

Weathering is important because it breaks down rock into smaller particles, contributing to the formation of soil. This soil provides essential nutrients for plant growth and plays a crucial role in supporting diverse ecosystems. Weathering also helps shape the Earth's surface by causing erosion and forming landforms.

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The rock page?

m on bio....(Bridget)logical weathring in erosion....N' me to yyour on yourself go and screw yourself Heya Nathan

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well yea it is weathing is weather and erison is like rock so ya anser is u slef

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Chemical Weathering.. because as rocks exposed to acid rains like limestones, it slowly dissolve and change into a new form

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Physical weathering is the process of breaking down rocks and minerals into smaller pieces through physical forces like temperature changes, water, ice, and wind. Chemical weathering involves the breakdown of rocks and minerals through chemical reactions, such as when minerals react with water, oxygen, or acids in the environment to form new minerals or dissolved substances.

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