

Why is wind not a viable source?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Why is wind not a viable source?
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What is the only viable renewable energy source?

Wind, Solar and Hydroelectric are three.

Is wind power a viable alternative energy source?

Wind power is a very viable source of electricity. It is more efficient to use in the Midwestern plains and other places with lots of flat open land. Also, at the top of mountains and even at the top of homes are good places for windmills. Wind power costs very little more to produce than nuclear or water power.

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Is wind a renewed source?

wind is renewable source because there will never be no wind

Is wind a source of energy?

Yes, wind is a source of energy.

Why isn't wind energy available to everyone?

Cost of setup and not everywhere has enough wind to make it a viable option

Is wind energy a non-renewable source?

No, wind is a renewable energy source. The wind will always be blowing!

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Wind energy is a renewable resource, as there will always be wind.

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yes because wind is a renewable source of energy

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Wind energy.