

Why is wind power so important?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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12y ago

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because it is

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Q: Why is wind power so important?
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How important is wind to humans?

wind is important to humans because 1. it can be used to make electricity 2. it moves seeds that grow to keep the enviroment going is inexhaustible so it will never run out. wind helps power things that we are running out of other resources to power

In what ways is wind power useful?

Wind power is just that power--- so in all ways that power is useful wind power is useful ... to add to that comment... it is a cleaner way of creating power.

Can wind power generate electricity?

Yes, wind power can generate electricity. Wind energy is considered to be an important contributor of renewable energy having no emissions of CO2.

Why is wind power important?

Wind power is a type of power that produces no pollution and does not use up any resources. That is what we need, to avoid harming the environment in which we live.

How does wind power work?

Wind power is used by having wind push a turbine or mill so that turns and makes energy.

What is energys source?

An energy source is something that gives off energy. Such as sun, wind, water, coal. Sun is important in producing solar energy, wind is important for wind energy, Water for hydroelectric power And coal for thermal power.

Why wind vane is important?

so we can measure what direction the wind is going!

How will wind energy help the US?

Wind power is an important form of renewable energy. Wind power converts the energy of wind into electricity. In order to reduce the pressure on fossil fuel consumption, renewable energy is a must.

Is wind power more efficient than water power?

it depends on whether the wind is blowing, wind is better when the wind is constantly blowing, but water is always going through the plant, so you will always have power

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Solar and wind technologies are location specific

What do wind turbines power?

Wind turbines add power to the grid, so some of the power in your house came from wind farms. The City of Calgary AB wanted it's light rail system to be green so they budgeted enough wind turbines to generate power to run the system. there is no direct connection to the wind farm, but the farm adds more power to the grid than the trains remove.

Why the anemometer is important?

The reason the anemometer is so important is because you use it to measure the velocity of the wind and to measure pressure of the wind ----