

Why is your dog pawing or clawing?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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because it wants to. isn't this a free country?

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Q: Why is your dog pawing or clawing?
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bitter apple spray say no

How do you stop your dog from clawing and biting their crate?

What i did was spray the cage with this spray you can get at pet stores it taste like green apples so the dog will stop biting as for clawing i would say trim its nails

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put gloves on the dogs paws


Usually they attack their enemies (ex. biting, clawing)

Why does my dog keep bumping into things and pawing her face?

That probabaly means your dog has a eye condition.You might try to see a vet.

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steel, dog hair, brick, plastic

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De-clawing - is the removal of a cat or dog's claws by surgery. It is a cruel and barbaric practice that needs to be outlawed world-wide ! There is NO legitimate reason for removing a cat or dog's claws unless its for MEDICAL reasons !

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Can certain dog food affect a dogs character?

Yes, I have a collie named Nikki and she didn't like her dog food, so she wouldn't eat or play. And she started to act strangely by refusing to go outside and pawing her nose a lot.

Do female cats like male dogs?

no but they tackle them alot B. As they are different species anyway, it is doubtful that a female cat would identify the sex of the dog - not before hissing, spitting and clawing the dog just to make sure the dog gets the message as to who is 'the boss' anyway.

What does it mean when your dog is pawing at the ground?

it could mean a number of things 1 if the dog is doing this by a door they may be telling you they have to go outside. 2 they might be doing it as a stretch after a long nap. 3 it might also mean that they want to play

How do you teach a dog to stop putting his paws up on you?

Don't try to stop your dog from pawing when a dog paws you it is a sign a love and affection same with cats the dog is just showing you some love it also reminds them of when they were puppies