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i would use a quarter ounce of cocaine a day for two years, it makes your throat feel that way because when you snort it it also travels down into your throat which is a very sensitive membraine and the cocaine and cut that is in it really irritate it and can and will start to eat away at your throat i kicked the crap cold turkey i hope you do the same it just gets worse and worse and will cause bad health problems 4 sure

You could also be allergic to something in it.

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Q: Why is your nose stuffy after using cocaine and throat feel like it is closing up?
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How to get rid of a stuffy nose and coughing?

You can get rid of a stuffy nose and coughing by using nasal sprays and cough syrups.

What are the effect of using cocaine?

If you do cocaine you will get pregnant and die.

Who many people world wide are using cocaine?

i bet you about trillion people are using cocaine!

Where can you get help when using cocaine?

Cocaine Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous.

Can you become addicted to cocaine if you didnt know it was cocaine you were using?


Can man still produce babies while using cocaine?

No, a man cannot produce babies even when not using cocaine.

Can you be arrested for using cocaine in NYC?

Possession of cocaine is illegal. If you're using it, then at least temporarily, you "possessed" it. So, yes, you certainly can.

Can someone have a false positive urine test for cocaine when using an old toothbrush used while using cocaine?

No. Cocaine dilutes it's self completely in 72 hours when water is added

How is stuffy nose diagnosed?

When you can't breathe through your "nose-holes", I'd say you had a stuffy nose! Don't start using nose spray!!! You might end up getting addicted to it!!!

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How do you know if your daughter is using cocaine?

Get her drug tested.