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Most rabbits don't like being held. Rabbits are land animals, and unlike cats or other animals they don't climb trees or ever find themselves off the ground, unless they're in the jaws of a predator. Holding rabbits and picking them up can frighten them, especially if they don't know you very well or trust you.

See the related questions below for help taking care of your rabbit so that you don't frighten her, or cause emotional and behavioural problems.

Young rabbits are sensitive to both the scent of a human being, and the applied pressure when handling them. It is possible that one of these two factors could contribute to the unhappiness of the rabbit. It could also be a matter of separation from the adult rabbit, or the temperature of your hands. If changing those factors does not relieve the situation, attempt to feed the rabbit so that is imprints on you as a caregiver.

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Q: Why is your rabbit crying when you hold her?
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Why is my girl rabbit crying?

your rabbit is not really crying. If it looks like she is crying she probably either has an allergy or an eye infection or the dust is blowing in her eyes. Because she saw your face! Come on dude, this little girl has a legitimate question. Her rabbit could really be ill. Don't be such a wise acre!!!

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Rabbits make a crying sound when distressed.

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a mounth

What are rabbit holders used for?

To hold rabbits.

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Its not called hold on . its Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis

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hold your rabbit firmly but gently upside down.feel aroundboys have ballsgirls don't

How do you hold your rabbit when cutting their nails?

I lay my rabbit on his back in my lap and try hold his paws out of view while cutting them. He really doesn't like the nail clippers.

When do you stop holding your rabbit when it is pregnant?

Put a sign on its cage that you will see every time you go to hold your rabbit.

Do rabbits cry tears?

Yes, they do, and they make a sound that is very human when crying, but they only cry when in extreme distress, pain, and very ill. If you have a pet rabbit or have seen a rabbit crying, get it medical attention as quickly as possible, because it's suffering. The poor creature is going through terrible pain, think how you would feel if you suffered that pain.

How does rabbit sound?

A happy rabbit will make clicking with its teeth. They will also lick you to show their affection. A mad rabbit will growl and grunt. They will even nip you to warn you to back off! They will thump their hind foot to say, "Back off!".

Does a rabbit hold back some of its litter?

yes it do some times

How much can a rabbit hold up baby rabbits in her belly?