

Why is your regular hamster beating up your dwarf hamster?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Dwarf hamsters and regular hamsters often fight, if they're both males that will make it worse. But I dont know how to stop it.

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Q: Why is your regular hamster beating up your dwarf hamster?
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How do you pick up a dwarf hamster?

with your hands

Can a male Russian Dwarf hamster mate with a female Robo Dwarf hamster?

No, they cannot breed together because they have to be the same breed. . . Or you might end up with one dead hamster.

What are better Roborovski Hamsters or Russian Hamster?

there is a big difference between them as syrian hamsters are bigger than dwarf hamsters. There is quite a lot of different types of dwarf hamsters such as, Russian winter whites, Chinese, campbells, rovoroski and maybe more. But most dwarf hamsters can live with 1 or more of the same sex and syrians have to live alone - so if your hamster lives alone then its probably a syrian. aslo syrians are about half the size of a guineapig and dwarf hamsters are about half the size of a syrian hamster.

How many teeth does a dwarf hamster have in what dentition pattern?

my hamster i think they are dwarf because i know that dwarf hamster are like 3 to 5 inches.. So their teeth are like rabbits but little,my hamster has short at the front up teeth and long at the front down teeth, and color yellow and this is not my hamster..

Especific time that hamsters sleep and wake up or what time does your hamster sleep and wake up I have a dwarf hamster?

there is no specific time.

How tall do hamsters get?

Well, it depends on what type of hamster it is. A Syrian Hamster can grow up to 6-7 inches in length A Chinese Dwarf Hamster can grow up to 7.5-9 cm in length A Winter White Russian Dwarf Hamster is only half the size of an Syrian. Hope that helps

How many days should a hamster be pregnant?

It depends on the species, gestation periods range from from 16 days for the Syrian hamster, and up to to 30 days for the Dwarf hamster.

Can you put dwarf hamsters and guinea pigs together?

No. The guinea pig is much bigger than a dwarf hamster, and putting them together may cause harm to the dwarf hamster.

Can a baby dwarf hamster eat big seeds?

Yes they can usually break them up or you can break them up yourself.

How old does a baby dwarf hamster half to be to pick them up?

It has to be about 3-4 weeks old, then you can hold them.

What should you do if you get a bite by a dwarf hamster?

Fist things fist. Wash the bite with soap and water. The next time you try to pick up your dwarf hamster wear a thick glove with your sent. Do this everyday for 5 minutes and eventually he will get used to you.