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Q: Why isn't my American bullfrog not eating. It's October 9th and I think it might be because it's close to there sleep time for winter. I only feed him worms from the store which he usually eats?
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Related questions

Where is the bullfrog's habitat?

A bullfrog's habitat is usually in a lake, pond or river.

How can you tell if a bullfrog is a female or a male?

To determine the sex of a bullfrog is the tympanic membrane (the circular part just below the eyes leading to the back of the head). In the female, this membrane is aproximately the same size as the frogs eye. In the male, this membrane is usually larger than its eye.

Where do bullfrogs go in the fall?

They hibernate from fall until spring. Usually burying themselves in mud or under rocks.

How big can a bullfrog get in length and weight?

a bull frog usually is about 3 and a half to 6 inches and its weight is usually 3 to 30 pounds it depends on the one you have some are very tinny and others are verry big but usually this ids the right weight and height of a bull frog.

What is the developing period of a frog?

The eggs will develop for 7 to 10 days. The tadpoles time varies by species, but we're usually talking several months. The North American Bullfrog can take up to 3 years to metamorphosis into frogs. Once a frog, it can take up to 5 years for them to grow to full size.

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Why do people not like anime?

Usually it's because they are not familiar with the genre and have only American cartoons to base a comparison .

Can a owl eat bullfrog?

Yes, it probably could if it tried. The thing is, owls don't usually eat bullfrogs, they eat small rodents like mice. But as I said, it would be able to if it had to.

Do koi eat tadpoles?

If they are bullfrog tadpoles, usually yes

What date does baseball season end?

Regular season usually ends around October 1st, usually on a Sunday. Playoffs end in late October.

how big is an American alligator?

A Male American alligator will usually be 230 kg and a female American alligator will usually be 91 pounds.

How can cotton gin machine affect American Society?

The cotton gin machine affected American Society because it made it easier for the workers--usually slaves--to pick the cotton.