

Why isn't your rabbit eating?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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Rabbits stop eating when they're ill or in pain -- even a bit of gas can make them stop eating. Shock can also make them stop eating. A new pet rabbit has recently gone through a big disruption, with lots of newness and changes and anxiety -- a rough, stressful transition can be enough to set rabbits off.

Unfortunately, rabbits can't safely fast like humans and other animals can: when rabbits stop eating, they quickly get sick, and it can be an exhausting (and expensive, and painful) process to get them healthy again (with lots of medications, fluids, syringe-feeding, belly massage...) -- and that's not counting whatever it is that made them stop eating to begin with (it could be a serious problem).

The first thing you should do if your rabbit isn't eating is get them eating again -- you can worry about the reason why (and what to do about it) later. If you don't know any rabbit first aid, bring the rabbit to a vet immediately. If your usual rabbit-savvy vet is closed, bring them to the nearest 27/4 vet's that sees rabbits. Print off the webpage linked below to give to the vet in case they are unfamiliar with rabbits ("Gastrointestinal Stasis, The Silent Killer" D. Krempels).

If you know first aid, treat for gas and dehydration and, if the rabbit is still defecating, syringe-feed; go the rabbit vet's as absolutely soon as possible; go to the emergency vet's if rectal temperature falls below 99 degrees Fahrenheit (37.2 degrees Celsius).

See links and related questions below for more details and help.


It is extremely important that your rabbit does not stop eating! Rabbits can't fast for short periods like humans, cats, and dogs can. A rabbit will die within 24 hours after he stops eating! Rabbits may stop eating because they do not feel well, or because they have internal problems, or dental problems -- there could be many reasons. If you rabbit is not eating you must take him to a vet immediately! See the related questions below for more information.

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