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The appendicular skeleton contains 126 bones.

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Q: Why it is appendicular skelon only have 206 bones where is the other bones?
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What do you call the only attachment between the appendicular and axial skeletons?


Is your gluteus maximus part of the appendicular region?

For the most part yes. The only part of the axial skeleton it is in contact with is the sacrum and coccyx. But is it also attached to the iliac crest which is appendicular and its main action is extension and lateral rotation of the thigh.

What bones can you feed a 17week German sheperd?

Only give milk bones all other bones can splinter and cause damage to the mouth/gum area and even to the insides while they are digesting.

What other clues did scientist use to learn about the Iceman's life?

they used only there bones and other tools !

The phalanges that has only two bones?

The big toe proper has only 2 bones. Every other toe has 3 bones.The big toe on each foot has two bones called phalanges: a distal phalanx at the end and a proximal phalanx that connects to a metatarsal bone in the middle foot. All other toes have 3 phalanges, with a medial phalanx between the other two toe bones.

Can dogs eat beef bones?

It's not good to give dogs any kind of cooked bones because they can splinter and lodge in their neck. Only give them raw bones (beef or any other).

What clues did the scientists used to learn about the iceman's life?

they used only there bones and other tools !

Why is there no problem the arm clearing the widest dimension of the thoracic cage?

the thoraric cage is part of axial skeleton which is protects and covers our internal organs of our body. Wherein, the arm is part of appendicular skeleton that is freely movable joints and it's made of long bones. Only the pectoral girdle who can contributed why the arm and thorax had a relationships.

How many bones make up the toes?

There are two bones in the big toe, and three bones in each other toe.

Do all bones of the body articulate with at least one other?

NO! The Hyoid Bone is the only bone that does not articulate with any other bone.

Why do we need both muscles and bones to move our body?

one muscle to contract and the other muscle to retract

If you did not have bones what would you be like?

If you did not have bones you would be a giand ooze of bodily fluids with skin as your only protection but sadly you would die from hitting your heart and damaging other important organs