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During the day - the side of the Earth facing the Sun heats up - the portion facing away from the sun is in night time - and thus is not being heated... making it cooler !

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Well, it probably has something to do with that big ball of burning gas that's over your head during the day, don't you think?

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Q: Why it is cooler at night than during the day?
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How can clouds keep us cool in day and warm in night?

The thicker the cloud the more water it carries, so obviously more water the cooler it gets but during the night the clouds aren't thick so its just cooler in the day sometimes luv Noa Parker :p luv ya

Why is it warmer in the day than the night?

It is warmer during the day because the sun heats the air.

Sea and land breeze are caused because?

Land breezes occur at night. The land is cooler than the water at night, so the warm air over the water rises and the cool air moves in over the water to replace it. It then warms and rises again. This happens over and over again throughout the night. Sea breezes are the opposites of land breezes. They happen during the day, so the water is cooler than the land. The warm air over the land rises and the cold air moves in to replace it. Then, like the land breezes, the cold air gets warmed and rises and the cold air over the water takes its spot. It is a continuous cycle throughout the day. The reason land is warmer during the day is because soil heats faster than water. However, it is cooler at night because water holds its heat longer than soil.

At what time of the day does a sea breeze happen?

A sea breeze happens during the day because the hotter air from the land rises when the cooler air from the sea slips underneath and forms a sea breeze. Then at night the opposite happens which is called a land breeze. The land is cooler than the ocean making the warmer ocean air rise up the allow the cool land air underneath and this creates what is called a land breeze. :)

Does it hail at night?

yes... obviously! what difference does it make at night? also - it has hailed on my house at night. and it was really loud. :-( hope this helped! Yes, it can hail at night. It is actually more common for it to hail in the late afternoon to evening and also at night since a lot of the severe thunderstorms that produce hail take place during that time of day when there is a lot of cooling happening after the day's heating.

Related questions

Why is it generally cooler during the night than during the day?

because there is no sun

Why is night cooler than the day?

no sun

Why do animals in the ocean migrate to the surface at night and back to deep water during day?

it is cooler water towards the top than the bottom at night vice versa during the day

What time of day does land breeze occur?

Land breezes occur during the time of night.

Why do rats stay underground?

It is really hot during the day but it is much cooler during the night so that's why rats stay underground during the hot day and come out during the cooler night.

What is the climate of Arizona in the summer?

Hot and dry during the day, cooler during the night, unless you're in the mountains, in which case the weather is comfortable during the day and cold at night.

Why does the water in a swimming pool feel cooler than air during the day but warmer than the air at night?

During the day - the side of the Earth facing the Sun heats up - the portion facing away from the sun is in night time - and thus is not being heated... making it cooler !

Why are night cooler than day?

nights are cooler than day because you dont have the sun shining down and heat everything

Do lions sleep at night?

Lions are usually more active at night when it is cooler and sleep during the day.

What type of environment is characterized by less than 25 cm a precipitation each year high temperatures during the day and cold temperatures at night?

A hot desert has less than 25 cm of precipitation per year and hot temperatures during the day and cooler temperatures at night.

Is it usually cooler during the day or at night?

During the night, because the Sun is not shining on us the way that it does during daytime. And, of course, the Sun is what keeps us warm and alive! ;)

What time do wild hogs eat in GA?

all the time, day, night mostly night during summer but in cooler months whenever they can.