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To prevent from making mistakes.

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Aida Medhurst

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2y ago
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Q: Why it is important to follow instructions accurately?
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Often a supervisor's instructions are useful.

What are five reasons why is important to follow instructions?

examples for education

Why is it important to follow the instructions on a food jar?

to get the correct thing

If you wear braces it is important to continue?

Follow the instructions of your orthodontist to the letter!

Why is it important to follow instructions given by your teacher?

They are the one's grading your performance.

Why is it important to follow manufacturer's instructions in the hair salon?

If you don't follow manufacturer's instructions, you may misuse the product, tool or equipment and hurt someone or damage something.

Why is it important to follow instructions?

The importance of instructions is so you will know what to do, you need to know how to do it right. Like you need to know how to follow instructions at school so you will get a good grade, or if you do an important job like being a firefighter, you need to know what to do in order to save somebody from a fire and save your life as well. There can be a lot of penalties of not following instructions like if you didn't follow instructions with medicine, you could get sick. If you didn't follow instructions on the food you were making it wouldn't turn out right. You could also get lost if you didn't follow the instructions on how to get somewhere.

Why is it important when buying equipment for children to follow manufacturers instructions?

to keep a child safe

Why is it important to follow manufacturer instructions when using products on dyr hair?

ask google:L

Why it is important to follow manufacture's instructions when operating cutting equipment?

It is important to follow manufacturer's instructions when operating any kind of machinery. If you don't:you or someone else could be hurtyou could damage the machineyour could damage the product and waste resources

Why is it important to follow manufacturers instructions?

you can possibly void any warranty or risk injury or death

Why is it important to follow the servicing instructions that usually accompany equipment?

If you don't follow the manufacturer's instructions for servicing equipment, you are misusing the equipment and it is more likely to fail, perhaps in a way that someone gets hurt.