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lolwut? IS NOT AN ANSWER.The answer really is... because only one of the 2 strands has the proper base-sequence information for making the functional RNA or protein. So that strand is called the template strand.
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wherevr the msg is thr i.e gene is thr it will be used

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Q: Why it is important which of the two DNA strands serves as a template during the transcription?
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What are the two single strands of DNA?

The two single strands of DNA are referred to as the "template strand" and the "coding strand." The template strand serves as a guide for synthesizing a complementary mRNA strand during transcription, while the coding strand has the same sequence as the mRNA (except with thymine instead of uracil).

What are the two DNA strands?

The two stands wound together in the DNA can be called any number of names depending on the chemical phenomenon occuring. During replication, the strands are called the leading and lagging strand. During transcription, they are called the sense and the non-sense strands. Basically, both strands are polynucleotides.

The strand of DNA that encodes the RNA molecule during transcription is the?

Template Strand

What enzyme reads the DNA template?

Various DNA polymerases read the DNA template during replication of DNA. Various RNA polymerases read the DNA template during transcription.

When an enzyme that blinds to DNA and separates the DNA strands during transcription is RNA what?


What enzyme binds to DNA during transcription unzipping the strands of RNA?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme that binds to DNA during transcription and helps unzip the DNA strands to allow for the synthesis of RNA.

Does during DNA replication only one strand of DNA serve as a template?

No. All strands can be replicated, just depends on where the enzymne decides to land and unzip it. Anyways, all DNA molecules would be adequate templates since they are all identical copies of each other.

What is the enzyme that binds and separates the DNA strands during transcription?

single-strand binding proteins

What is transcription biology?

Transcription is a process which occurs during DNA synthesis, it is when the DNA helix is unwound and one of the strands read and copied by RNA, transcription is when the amino acid bases are copied onto this RNA strand.

When does the most important step in gene regulation occur?

During transcription.

The sections of DNA cell copies as RNA strands to make specific proteins during transcription and translation are referred to as?

The sections of DNA that get copied into RNA strands during transcription are called genes. These RNA strands are then used as templates to make specific proteins during translation.

What is the name of of the process that convert the information to messenger rna and what does it make up?

mRNA is synthesized from a DNA template during transcription