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A needle is sharp enough to pierce the skin of the balloon. A finger is not.

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Q: Why it is much easier to burst a balloon with needle than finger?
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Why does a rubber balloon with a piece of scotch tape not burst when pricked by a needle?

A piece of tape on a rubber balloon acts as a reinforcement so the rubber does not rip when poked by a needle in the tape.

Why does a balloon burst when pricked with a needle?

Because of the small area of the needle and the force that is exerted on the balloon. The pressure inside the balloon that was previously more, finally can diffuse into the room. Since the air canot all escape from the needle prick it bursts to equal the pressure.

What is the simple past and past participle of burst?

The simple past of burst is "burst" and the past participle is also "burst."

A rubber balloon with a piece of scotch tape does not burst hen it is pricked by a needle at the piece of scotch tape?

firstly neddle should be needle 2nd it is because the tape is like a kind of shield

A rubber balloon with a piece of scotch tape does not burst when it is pricked by a needle at the piece of scotch tape?

no it's really cool i did it at school and it really works!

Why rubber balloon with a piece of scotch tape does not burst when it is pricked by a needle at the piece of scotch tape?

Normally, When you prick a balloon with a needle the hole the pin makes creates a weak point that continues to tear as the pressure inside the balloon attempts to escape. ( I.E. To equalise the pressure inside and outside the balloon ) That is the balloon bursting... The piece of Scotch Tape, however, holds the area around the pinhole together stopping this tearing and preventing the balloon bursting.

What might happen when you prick the balloon?

Usually the balloon will burst.

What will happen if a pumpkin kept on a balloon?

if we keep a pumpkin inside a balloon the balloon will not fly and will burst

What might happen if you brick the balloon?

If you throw a brick at a balloon it will probably burst.

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What happens if you prick a balloon?

It may burst.

Why does a warm balloon burst faster then cold water?

Cold water doesn't burst at all.