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The vessels that carry the blood around the body are divided into veins and arteries. Arteries deal with the blood going out of the heart, and the veins deal with the blood going back into the heart.

The veins, being the return path for the blood, sees less pressure than the arteries. An injury to a vein will bleed slower than an injury to an equally sized artery. With a slower bleed, there's more time to stop it before the blood loss becomes life threatening - so it's less dangerous.

Do note that less dangerous doesn't mean safe! All bad bleeds should be treated by a doctor.

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Q: Why it is not very dangerous for a person if one of his veins is cut?
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Why is it not very dangerous if one of a person's veins is cut?

It is dangerous. Cutting your veins is dangerous. EXTREMELY DANGEROUS! Don't do it! A person in my class died three weeks ago from cutting his veins! Unless you want to committ suicide DON'T CUT YOUR VEINS!

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There are some very small blood vessels that get cut, but only the ones that feed the foreskin. The ones that feed the penis are left intact.

Why is it dangerous for a person if one of his veins is out?

Even though the blood loss rate through a vein is slower than through a cut artery, you can still bleed out and die through a cut vein.

Is it more dangerous to cut a vein or artery and why?

An artery because blood is pumped through the arteries at a much higher pressure than the veins. Therefore if you cut an artery you will lose a lot more blood a lot quicker than if you cut a vein.

Why do arteries but not veins spurt when cut?

Blood is at a much higher pressure in the arteries than in the veins, and travels faster. They are deeper in and need to be protected more, as artery cuts are more dangerous than vein cuts.Read more: Why_do_arteries_but_not_veins_spurt_when_cut

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Yes it does, -.-

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there are veins in the topper half of your ear but it doesn't hurt if you cut it

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intra (inside) vascular (veins).. what is found in your veins? Cut it to find out!

Can i cut access hole to change fuel pump on A Plymouth grand voyager?

No. That is a very bad, very dangerous idea.

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yes! very fun BUT DANGEROUS to put in water

When you injure ourselves where does the blood come from veins or arteries?

Mostly veins or tiny artery's. If you cut an artery you will have a pulsating bleeding

Can you cut an access hole to the fuel pump on a 1995 Chevy lumina 3.1 liter?

Yes, you can but it would be very dangerous.