

Why kids want to watch R rated movies?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Because they're not allowed...

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They want kids to watch it.

Why are some movies Not Rated?

kids are not to be allowed to watch r-rated movies because they arent mature enough to see whats really happening.

Can children watch R18 movies?

Kids can watch as many movies as they want. I don't know why someone would set a limit on just 18 movies. haha I'm just kidding, you probably mean R movies right? Why can't kids watch movies meant for 18 year olds? Well, those types of movies are more mature and probably not appropriate for younger kids. Kids probably wouldn't understand some of the jokes either.

Where can you watch kids movies?

A word of the wise of where you can watch kids movies. A simple way is to go to the movies. You can watch Rango or even just Mr.Popper's Penguins, but if you just want some family time at home with a good kids movie, you can get a good movie on ABC Family, Disney Channel, or Halmark Channel.

Can you watch scary movies at 10 years old?

Yes, if your parents say it's okay. Unless it's an NC-17 movie and you want to see it in a theater. Kids under 17 can see R rated movies in theaters with a parent or guardian, however, kids under 17 CANNOT see an NC-17 movie in theaters, not even with a parent.

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Yes i want to watch the nigerian movies online

What are good movies for kids into acting?

If you want to get into Disney, all Lindsey Lohan movies.

Should kids under 13 be allowed to see PG-13 and R movies?

At the age of fourteen, most kids are rather impressionable. They're beginning to forge their own identity and as such will 'try on' different personalities until they find one that fits fairly well or one that makes them popular. If they are regularly watching R-rated films that portray such things as drug use and sexual promiscuity as 'what the cool kids are doing', they will emulate that behaviour. Your question is one that different people will disagree about. I have made my case for the answer "no", because that is what I believe to be the appropriate answer. If anyone has a different take on the issue, I welcome them to add it to the answer.

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go on to youtube and type the movie you want to watch!

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yes and no do what you want

What sites is it legal to watch movies online?

It's illegal to watch free copyrighted movies. So you either pay Netflix and watch all the movies you want... Or visit a site like and watch old black and white movies with expired copyright. That site is on my fav list ;)

What bleach episodes' numbers are the ones that come before the movies?

You can watch the movies whenever you want, but you need to know the characters well. They do not have a specific order in when to watch them.