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No one knows, but probably it does NOT have an Iron/Nickel core , like Earth.

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Q: Why magnetic field is not present on moon?
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What is the magnetic strength of moon?

The moon does not have a dipolar magnetic field and its external magnetic field is quite weak when compared to that of the Earth.

Does the moon have a stronger magnetic field than the earth?

Venus does not have a magnetic field.

Does the moon have a magnetic pole?

The Moon has a solid core, and therefore has no magnetic field or poles.

Does the moon have an active magnetic field?

To have an active magnetic field you must have a reasonably fast rotation speed, and a molten metal core. The earths moon has neither of these, so the answer is No, the moon doesn't have a magnetic field of any kind.

Is the moon a source of earth's magnetic field?

No. The source of earth's magnetic field is the molten inner core. The moon due to its proximity of course influences our magnetic field but it is to be considered a "weak effect".

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What is electro -magnetic force?

Magnetic force is present around the electric field which is also known as electro-magnetic field.

If magnetic compass does not work on moon Why electric motor work on moon?

No because the Moon does not have a magnetic field like the Earth does. The Earth's magnetic field appears to be created by a liquid metalic out core circulating around a solid core. This works like a dynamo which creates the magnetic field around the Earth. The Moon lacks a similar core stucture. This is also the reason why the Monn has no atmosphere.A magnetic compass would not work on the moon, for the moon does not have the magnetic field that the earth has, allowing us to use this device.No, because moon does not have magnetic force like earth

Who determined the source of the earth's magnetic field?

The moon

Why doesn't the moon have a magnetic field?

Venus does not have a magnetic field because its rotational period is very slow. This means that if its core had a liquid metal component, it would not be moving fast enough to generate a field.

What is missing on the Moon from lack of liquid core?

The magnetic field.

Is there a magnetic field around current carrying conductors?

yes.magnetic field present around the conductor.current and magnetic fields are inter related..with current we can produce magnetic field and vice versa