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Q: Why mercury is not used in inverted U-tube manometer?
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What happen when mercury used in inverted manometer?

When mercury is used a manometer fluid and the manometer tube is inverted it will measure the small pressure difference in liquids. This is a tool used by scientists.

Inverted U-tube differential manometers?

Inverted U-tube manometer is used for measuring pressure differences in liquids. The space above the liquid in the manometer is filled with air which can be admitted or expelled through the tap on the top, in order to adjust the level of the liquid in the manometer.

Is manometer used to measure the pressure of liquid?

yes,manometer is an instrument . It is used to measure pressure of liquid.

How are millimeters of mercury Torr and atmospheres related?

Is it because they are used by the manometer

What has a glass tube with the open end submerged in liquid mercury?

A manometer. Used to measure pressure.

What is an open arm manometer?

It is a type of manometer, an object used to measure the pressure of different things, and the open armed manometer allows for the atmospheric pressure in the tube of the manometer. So the sample gas pressure pushes on the mercury that is already being pushed on by the atmospheric pressure. Then you add the atmospheric pressure to the change in the mercury (in mm) and that gives you your pressure. It's like a tire gauge.

How do you use a manometer?

A manometer is a device that is used to measure the pressure of a fluid. The U-shaped glass tube is partially filled with a liquid, usually mercury. The difference between the height of the mercury corresponds to the difference between the pressure of the fluid in the container and the atmospheric pressure.

Why an inverted YouTube manometer more sensitive than upright manometer?

Inverted U-tube manometer is used for measuring pressure differences in liquids. The space above the liquid in the manometer is filled with air which can be admitted or expelled through the tap on the top, in order to adjust the level of the liquid in the manometer. Equating the pressure at the level XX'(pressure at the same level in a continuous body of static fluid is equal), For the left hand side: Px = P1 - rg(h+a) For the right hand side: Px' = P2 - (rga + rmgh) Since Px = Px' P1 - rg(h+a) = P2 - (rga + rmgh) P1 - P2 = (r - rm)gh If the manometric fluid is choosen in such a way that rm << r then, P1 - P2 = rgh. For inverted U - tube manometer the manometric fluid is usually air.

Why is mercury a better liquid to use in manometer than water?

Water can be used up to only 100 degree celsius. mercury can be used 356 degree celsius Water has a tendency to evaporate. The density of water is about 13 times lower than that of mercury, so some pressure levels would need a very large manometer tube.

Why Mercury is used in manometer?

Mercury is used due to its higher specific gravity allowing the manometer physical size to be smaller in direct proportion to the weight of mercury vs weight of water.and its vapour pressure is negligible.these are the two reasons .

What kind of water used in manometer?

Any clean water can be used in a manometer.

What is the instrument used to determine air pressure is called?

The instrument used to determine air pressure is called a barometer. A simple barometer is a long glass tube filled with mercury that it turned upside down into another container filled with mercury.