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As the number of carbon atom increases, compounds tend to be liquid (or even solid).

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1w ago

Methane is a gas at room temperature and pressure because it has a lower boiling point and weaker intermolecular forces than pentane, which is a liquid. The longer carbon chain in pentane results in stronger van der Waals forces between molecules, keeping pentane in a liquid state.

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Q: Why methane is gas and pentane is liquid?
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Which one of these will flow most easily along a pipe methane pentane hexane decane octadeane?

I suppose methane gas flows most easily. If the question meant a liquid, then I guess it would be oil.

Is methane soluble in liquid nitrogen?

Yes, methane is slightly soluble in liquid nitrogen. The solubility of methane in liquid nitrogen increases with decreasing temperature. At the boiling point of nitrogen (-196°C), methane can dissolve up to 10% by volume.

What is a gas often formed along with oil?

Natural gas. It is mainly methane but contains a mixture of ethane, pentane, propane and butane. In the past it was burned off as it could not be easily transported. These days it is either injected back into the resivoir or made into a liquid and then transported.

Is methane a liquid or gas at 177 degrees celsius?

A gas

Is methane a gas solid or liquid?

beacuse it is becaiuse its called methane and starts with a M and ends with E :)

Is pentane a liquid at 40 degrees?

Yes, unless you mean 40oC. That is because the boiling point of pentane is 36.1oC (97oF). So above the boiling point temperature pentane would exist as a gas.

What happens to atoms or molecules when gas becomes liquid?

As pentane is boiled, the intermolecular bonds between molecules of pentane are broken. This makes pentane molecules free to move as they please and expand to fill any volume.

Is CH4 a solid a liquid or a gas?

CH4 is a gas.CH4 stands for methane.

What is the state of ethanol at 25 degrees?

A gas under normal pressure. Methane has a boiling point of -1600C. It does depend on the pressure at extemely high pressures methane will be a liquid.

Which gas is used as cooking gas?

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and natural gas Methane (CH4).

Can methane be a gas at -161.5c as it's boiling point?

No, methane boils at -161.5°C, so at this temperature it would exist in a liquid state rather than a gas state.

What is the widely used fuel with methane in it?

LPG - liquid petroleum gas