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generally it's a result of learning

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Most modern psychologists agree that behaviors like curiosity and aggression are influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. These behaviors likely evolved as adaptive responses to help humans navigate their environment and interact with others. Additionally, individual differences in personality and experiences also play a role in shaping these behaviors.

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Q: Why most modern psychologists agree that behavior such as being curious or being aggressive?
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What are structuralist and modern day cognitive psychologist share interest in?

Both structuralist psychologists and modern-day cognitive psychologists share an interest in studying mental structures and processes. Structuralists focused on understanding the components of conscious experience, while cognitive psychologists study how the mind processes information and organizes cognitive structures to influence behavior. Both approaches aim to uncover the underlying mental operations that drive human behavior.

What do modern psychologists believe about the hierarchy of human needs?

Modern psychologists, like Abraham Maslow, believe in a hierarchy of human needs, with basic physiological needs at the base (such as food and shelter) and higher-order needs like self-actualization at the top. They suggest that individuals must fulfill lower-level needs before addressing higher-level ones. This theory has been influential in understanding human motivation and behavior.

What is modern psychology?

Modern psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including cognition, emotions, development, personality, and social interactions. Psychologists use various research methods to understand how people think, feel, and behave in different contexts.

Psychologists who take the evolutionary perspective?

Psychologists who take the evolutionary perspective study how human behavior and mental processes have evolved over time in response to natural selection pressures. They analyze how specific behaviors may have provided an adaptive advantage in ancestral environments and how these patterns persist in modern humans. This approach seeks to understand the roots of behaviors and cognition in our evolutionary history.

Which term do modern psychologists prefer to use in place of short-term memory?

Modern psychologists prefer to use the term "working memory" instead of "short-term memory." Working memory refers to the cognitive system that temporarily holds and manipulates information to support complex cognitive tasks.

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What are structuralist and modern day cognitive psychologist share interest in?

Both structuralist psychologists and modern-day cognitive psychologists share an interest in studying mental structures and processes. Structuralists focused on understanding the components of conscious experience, while cognitive psychologists study how the mind processes information and organizes cognitive structures to influence behavior. Both approaches aim to uncover the underlying mental operations that drive human behavior.

What do modern psychologists believe about the hierarchy of human needs?

Modern psychologists, like Abraham Maslow, believe in a hierarchy of human needs, with basic physiological needs at the base (such as food and shelter) and higher-order needs like self-actualization at the top. They suggest that individuals must fulfill lower-level needs before addressing higher-level ones. This theory has been influential in understanding human motivation and behavior.

What is modern psychology?

Modern psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including cognition, emotions, development, personality, and social interactions. Psychologists use various research methods to understand how people think, feel, and behave in different contexts.

How man forensic psychologists are in the modern workforce?

learn how to spell u focking whure

Psychologists who take the evolutionary perspective?

Psychologists who take the evolutionary perspective study how human behavior and mental processes have evolved over time in response to natural selection pressures. They analyze how specific behaviors may have provided an adaptive advantage in ancestral environments and how these patterns persist in modern humans. This approach seeks to understand the roots of behaviors and cognition in our evolutionary history.

Unlike modern psychologists great thinkers of the past relied on?

Observation based on anecdote and description Individual bases

Which term do modern psychologists prefer to use in place of short-term memory?

Modern psychologists prefer to use the term "working memory" instead of "short-term memory." Working memory refers to the cognitive system that temporarily holds and manipulates information to support complex cognitive tasks.

If Neanderthals had larger brains why were they unable to compete within modern humans?

While Neanderthals had larger brains, their brain structures differed from those of modern humans, which may have affected their cognitive abilities. Additionally, other factors such as differences in social behavior, culture, and adaptation to changing environments could have contributed to their inability to compete with modern humans.

What is the modern definition of psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behavior. It seeks to understand how people think, feel, and act both individually and in groups. Research in psychology covers a wide range of topics such as cognition, emotion, personality, social behavior, and mental health.

Evolutionary psychology studies the roots of behavior and mental processes using principles of?

Evolutionary psychology studies the roots of behavior and mental processes using principles of natural selection and adaptation. It aims to understand how behaviors and cognitive processes have evolved over time to enhance survival and reproductive success. By examining how these traits may have developed in response to the challenges of the ancestral environment, evolutionary psychologists seek to explain modern human behavior.

Is modern warfare 2 ment to get kids aggressive?

Modern warfare 2 isn't meant for kids at all it is for people 17+

Using both the concepts of nature and nurture how do modern psychologists explain juvenile delinquency?

Fatherless children commit 90% of it. see link