

Why mother should be a housewife?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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6y ago

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Children need their mothers there with them as they grow. Fathers just are not made to connect with their children on the same level, as much as they may try and as good as they are. Ideally, one parent should stay at home with the kids and the other provide for the family, but often there are reasons against this.

A lot of times, being a homemaker is more efficient than the mother working outside the home as well. When wives also go to work, that requires another car, work clothes and dry cleaning bills for her, a babysitter or daycare, and so on. There are so many expenses that often, she barely breaks even. A better alternative might be a home job. That way, the mother can do work at home, be with the kids, and not add too much additional overhead.

Now, not all mothers are cut out to be stay at home mothers. Putting a parent into a reluctant role with their kids is not a good idea. Reluctant caretakers are known to abuse or even kill.

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