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Otherwise it won't remain pointed at the same spot in space any longer.

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Q: Why must a telescope be able to move at the same rate earth turns?
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Why must telescopes be able to move at the same rate earth turns?

Otherwise it won't remain pointed at the same spot in space any longer.

The Hubble Space Telescope is located in LEO. Does the telescope move faster or slower around the Earth compared with a geostationary weather satellite?

That is the exact questin i had!!

How do you move the telescope Club Penguin?

As of recently it is impossible to move the telescope.

What are the different way the earth move?

The earth turns on its axis; it orbits around the earth-moon barycenter; it orbits around the sun.

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because earth turns around and around that it takes 24 hours the Sun doesn't move

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The interior of the earth is molten.

How does the earth move every 1 year?

If you ask how, it spins in circles. It turns fully in about one month, I believe:)

How do you make the telescope work in Club Penguin?

You walk up to the telescope and click on it but you can't move it!

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whenever nasa or whoever ae able to send people to mars

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As Earth turns around its poles, the sun light falls on the objects under different angles causing shadows to move respectivelly.

Where do you move the telescope on Club Penguin?

Wherever u want

Did Galileo find it impossible to believe that the earth was the center of the universe?

he found this impossible because when he made his telescope he saw that the earth move around the sun. this theory is call heliocentric, helio meens the sun and centric meens the center.