

Why must be food be broken down in your body?

Updated: 5/6/2022
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8y ago

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Fat reserves in the body can be mobilized and broken down to release energy.

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Sanford Balistreri

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Q: Why must be food be broken down in your body?
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What food you eat must be broken down by this system into nutrients your body cells can use?

The digestive system breaks food down into useful nutrients.

Why must food be digested?

Digestion is necessary because for energy from the food to be released and carried into the cells in our body the food must be broken down into soluble molecules for it to diffuse into the cells. Then energy is released during respiration.

Why must most food be broken down?

Most food needs to be broken down into smaller molecules so that it can be absorbed by the body. These smaller molecules can then be transported through the blood to cells where they are used for energy, growth, and repair. Breaking down food also helps to release nutrients and make them accessible for the body to utilize.

When food is broken into nutrients how does it gt to the cells of the body?

Food has nutrients in it- substances that give our body many important ...Beforenutrients can go to work foodmust be broken down so that they canpass into ourbody. ... Starches must be broken down into sugars before our body can use them. ...It is a component of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to red blood cells.

Without digestive enzymes the meal is useless to the body is this statement valid?

Yes. In order for the body to use food, the food must be broken down into it's most basic elements. Complex carbohydrates are broken into simple carbohydrates, proteins are broken down into amino acids and fats are broken down into fatty acids. Some of this break down takes place because of the acids in your stomach, but enzymes in the stomach and mouth are required to further dismantle food into usable nutreints.

Why do we break down food?

We break down food so we get things like water and nutriants into our blood!

Why do humans have digestive systems?

Food must be broken down into components that can be used by your body. That is digestion. Without it, you would starve.

When do the nutrients in food get sucked out of the food?

The small bowel absorbs nutrients from food but first it must be broken down into amino acids ie: proteins, carbohydrates, fibre etc... before being transported round the body.

Food is broken down to supply energy for your body in the?

In the process known as "metabolism," food is broken down to provide energy for your body. The process of converting nutrients from meals into energy that your body can utilize for activities like physical activity, regulating body temperature, and sustaining biological processes is known as metabolism. It involves a sequence of chemical events that take place in your cells. In order to create glucose, which serves as the body's main energy source, proteins, lipids, and carbs must first be broken down into simpler molecules.

Why does food not enter the body until it is abdorbed into the blood?

Food must be digested before it can be absorbed because it is necessary for our digestive enzymes to combine with the food. Once the enzymes combine with the food, our bodies can absorb the nutrients.

Why is digestion an essential life function?

A human being is not maintained by his food intake, but rather, by what is digested. The human body needs fuel to live. We eat food for fuel. But just getting the food into the body is only a small part of the process. The food must be broken down into chemicals that the body can use. This whole process is called digestion

In order to obtain energy from glycogen and startch the body must do what?

It is broken down using enzymes, such as amylase, into glucose which then can be used in cell respiration.