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Q: Why must the plant which grows directly from the fern spore be wet?
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Which of the following grows from a fern spore a flower or seed or fern or corn?

A fern grows from a fern spore.

What grows from a fern spore?

A new fern.

What is a red fern a sign of?

A Red Fern is a plant that grows in the Ozarks.It is a book called where the red fern grows

What plant grows from spores?

the main plat that can grow from a spore is a various of different types of mushrooms.

Explain the stage in the life cycle of fern?

A spore grows into a heart shaped gametophyte. The gametophytes produces sex cells that unite to form a zygote. The zygote grows into a spore producing sporophyte.

What type of vascular plant is a fern?

A fern is a seedless vascular plant. OR NAH

What is the legend about the ringtail coon in Where the Red Fern Grows or the red fern I have a project about where the red feern grows so what is a legend about the ringtailcoon and or the red fern?

In "Where the Red Fern Grows," there is a legend that says only an angel can plant a red fern. The red fern is said to mark a special place, such as the resting place of someone beloved. The ringtail coon is not directly associated with this legend, but it is portrayed as a mysterious and elusive creature in the story.

Why does the silver fern have silver on the underside?

Because its the way the plant grows!

Is the red fern plant real and what are facts about it and a good link?

Yes, there really is a red fern plant, but the story is a Native American legend that is given in the book Where the Red Fern Grows.

What Part of the fern grows from the rhizome?

The frond or leaf grows directly from the root system as ferns do not have a true stem

How did the bird's nest fern get onto a tree?

It didn't really get onto a tree. When the wind blows, the spores underneath the leaves of the bird's nest fern will be blown to other places. In this case the spore landed on the tree when the wind blew, then with the suitable conditions such as moisture, the the spore gradually grows into a bird's nest fern, this is the reason it is located on a tree.

How do you grow a fern from a spore?

Fern spores on germination produce prothalli; later on these prothalli develop the archegonia and anthredia.The sexual reproduction after fertilization of egg cell in the archegonium forms the zygote and this zygote develops in a sporophyte. This sporophyte leads an independent life and a new fern plant comes in existence from the spore.