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P 6. - "Only Gatsby, the man who…not likely I shall ever find again." Nick admires Gatsby even though he "represented everything for which I have an unaffected scorn." Gatsby's capacity for hope that makes Nick's paradoxical admiration possible

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12y ago

Gatsby believes he can still relive the love he and Daisy shared. He still has hope that Daisy never loved her husband, but is still in love with Gatsby. Gastby belives this so much that he goes to great length to rekindle their lost love.

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1mo ago

Nick describes Gatsby as having an extraordinary gift for hope because Gatsby is able to maintain an unwavering belief in his vision of the future, despite the obstacles and setbacks he faces. Gatsby's optimism and determination drive him to pursue his dreams with relentless ambition, inspiring those around him with his ability to envision a brighter future.

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13y ago

He finds that gatsby is the only one who goes after what he believes and that's why he finds gatsby to be so amazing gatsby never stopped chasing his dream to be with dasiy that's. Why nick has a huge man crush on him

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