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Q: Why old major speech of the rebellion was important?
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Does Old Major Live Through the Revolution?

No, Old Major does not live to see the revolution. He passes away shortly after delivering his speech about the need for rebellion against the humans.

What is the central message in Old Major's speech in the barn?

Old Major's speech was saying that Humans were treating all the animals poorly and that animals needed to retaliate. Major didn't want the humans to be in control forever and wanted all animals to be free from abuse. He taught them a song that soon became somewhat of an anthem for the animals. Major's speech was the starting point for the rebellion that would follow.

Why is old major unable to take part in the rebellion?

because old major had died

In Animal Farm what is the alliteration used in old major's speech?

One instance of alliteration in Old Major's speech is: ""Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades..."

In Animal Farm old major's speech what is a repetition and an allusion in it?

A Repetition in Old Major's speech is the word, "Comrades".

What is an example of a metaphor in Old Major's speech?

Old Major doesn't use any metaphors directly. However, the speech represents Marxism and Old Major can be seen as Karl Marx.

What did Old Major do in Animal Farm?

In animal farm old major was the animal (pig) who first started the ideas of the rebellion. He taught the animals the song 'beasts of england' and also gave them the long speech of his dream about a land without humans- leading to rebellion.

What is political satire in Old Major's speech in Animal Farm?

Old Major's speech was Orwell's way of exposing the foolishness in totalitarianism. In reality, despite Old Major's speech about overthrowing the farmer, the working animals are just trading one master for another.

What does old major's speech symbolize?

Old Major's speech in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" symbolizes the desire for equality and freedom among the animals, as well as a call for rebellion against their human oppressors. It represents the ideals of socialism and the hope for a better future for all animals on the farm.

In Animal Farm what is the metaphor in old major's speech?

Old major represented Karl Marx the creator of communism and his speech represented his publication on communism.

In Animal Farm old major is what animal?

Old Major is a prominent character at the very start of the book, where he makes a speech about All animals being equal.

What two leaders emerge after the rebellion in animal farms?

the two pigs Napoleon and Snowball. Old Major dies soon after starting the rebellion and Napoleon and Snowball come to lead it.