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no it is wrong. all of them are making.

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Q: Why only lithium chloride form hydride while other alkali metal does not do this?
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Is potassium hydride a transition metal?

No- it is an alkali metal hydride.

Is lithium a metal element or nonmetal?

Lithium is an alkali metal.

Is lithium a metal a nonmetal or a metalloid?

Lithium is a metal. In fact, it is an alkali metal (the metals found in group I are alkali metals).

Is helium and lithium a alkali metal?

helium is a noble gas. lithium is an alkali metal.

What is the name of alkali metal in period 3?

Calcium. The first two are beryllium and magnesium.

Is lithium a commercial alkali metal silicate?

No Lithium is an alkali metal, not a silicate, though it is commercially important.

What is the formulas of lithium hydride what is the answer for the formula of lithium hydride?

LiH. Lithium forms monovalent cations, and in the presence of a very low electronegativity metal such as lithium, hydrogen forms monovalent anions.

First alkali metal in the periodic table?

Lithium is the first alkali metal.

Which alkali metal has the largest electronegativity?

The Alkali metal with the greatest electronegativity is Lithium.

Is lithium a nonmetal?

no, it is an alkali metal

What is the 1st alkali metal?


Is lithium in the halogen family?

No. Lithium is a Alkali metal. Group I.