

Why only very massive stars can come from black holes?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The question really should be "why do black holes only come from very massive stars".

A black hole is formed when a super massive star explodes as a supernova. The remains at the core would collapse and become a very high density body, so dense that light will not escape the surface.

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Q: Why only very massive stars can come from black holes?
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Where did a black hole come from?

Most black holes form when massive stars exhaust their fuel and their cores collapse. There are also supermassive black holes at the centers of most galaxies. Scientists are not sure how supermassive black holes form.

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because stars come from the blake hole

How are black holes most easily identifed?

Black holes do not emit light, so black holes can not be seen this way. But black holes emit X-rays, but stars are not hot enough to emit X-rays. When black holes suck up stars, energy goes to the black hole, and come out as X-rays.

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The reason that a black hole does this is because of its immense gravitational pull. It is so immense that nothing, not even light can escape. Therefore, anything that gets too close to a black hole would be sucked in. Yes, it does. Black holes come in various sizes. It is currently believed that most if not all galaxies have super-massive black holes at their centers. Sometimes these massive black holes will be in a very active state, literally consuming whole stars at a time.

Were did a black hole come from?

Black holes came from old big stars that went supernova as it dies. Supernova causes the star to collapse into a black hole

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Simply put, massive stars come from massive clouds called neblulae.

How come all stars don't form into black holes?

A black hole forms only when the star is large enough that the gravitational pressure exceeds the quantum degeneracy pressure.

Black holes refer to?

black holes come from dead stars like our sun it may turn into one when they die they become really big then explode and some become into a black hole if not it becomes into a black or white dwarf

What is the name Stephen Hawkins's discovery that stars in space are so dense they can collapse?

black holes. Yes it sounds like the question is about black holes. Stephen Hawkins has done a lot of work in this area, but he did not come up with the theory originally.

How are super-massive black-holes in the center of galaxies?

millions of black holes are in all of the galaxies, and in the center of all large galaxies is an enormous black hole that makes all the stars go around it. the power was a million times greater 350 years ago. this cycle will repeat over again. Scientists have come to believe that there is very probably a supermassive black hole in the center of the Milky Way, and that there may be supermassive black holes at the centers of many galaxies.

What happen when the black hole come?

It is known what will happen. You will get sucked up! But before you get sucked up, Black Holes give flicker of black hot gas. Black Holes have so much power that they can't control it. So that's why they suck up everything in their path. Fun Fact: Black Holes are actually stars that died and contain so much power!!

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