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it is cool

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Q: Why our three phase LED meters reverse led glows when nothing is switched on?
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What happens when you open the stater from a glowing tubelight?

a tubelight consists of filaments at each of its respective ends. the function of the starter is to develop ionic discharge inside the tube to make the current flow. therefore once the tubelight is switched on and it glows. the function of the startea ceases and thus it can be removed. on removing a starter from the glowing tubelight the tubelight will continue to glow unless switched off. but once switched off the tubelight will require the starter to glow again on being switched on.

Is glows a verb?

Glows is the third person singular conjugation of the verb glow. The burner on the stove glows when hot.

When was Everything Glows created?

Everything Glows was created in 2000.

How do glowing dashboards glows?

There are lights inside it so when you turn it on it glows.

What energy transformation occurs when a battery powered flashlight is switched on?

Chemical energy is changed to electrical energy. Electrical energy heats the filament of the bulb, changing to heat. The hot filament glows, giving off light

Will meth glow in blacklight?

Yes it glows yellow and some glows purple

Why bulb glows continuously?

The bulb glows continuously probably, because the circuit it is installed in, is in the closed position.

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What gas glows?

if someone has been sick with silica poison, the gas that co Mes out of your buttocks glows gold!

Does a mass of a glow stick change when it lights?

Yes because it glows when it glows the tube expands to create space for it to glow

Its white variety glows upon exposure to oxygen?

This is the element phosphorus, its white allotrope glows ( chemiluminescence ) when exposed to oxygen

What makes Rudolph's nose glows?

it glows because of the magic power he received from the "reindeer king" this was a gift that was bestowed on him when he was born.