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It's to make sure you can't dilute the urine sample with the toilet water. If you mix it, you will have green urine.

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13y ago
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10y ago

That blue stuff has nothing to do with the drug test. That's just something people use in their toilets to clean it. It stays blue for a few weeks.

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13y ago

So the drug man can tell if you dipped water out of the toilet!

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Q: Why place a bluing agent in toilet for a urine drug test?
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How do you remove urine stains from a toilet bowl?

toilet cleaner, or Windex if it is the outside of the toilet bowl.

Urine stains in toilet bowl?

If there are urine stains in your toilet bowl, pour a generous amount of bleach into the toilet bowl and under the rim, then leave overnight. The next morning, flush the toilet and pour more bleach into the bowl and scrub with a toilet brush.

Why is Red dye put in toilet during urine collection?

so you dont take water from the toilet and adulterate or otherwise water down the urine sample

What substance in urine is a cleaning agent?

Ammonia is a cleaning agent.

What can you do with your own urine?

Put it only in the toilet.(Thank YOU!)

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There are many reasons why there could be a urine smell in the bathroom. If there is a warm air vent near the toilet, it is possible urine could have gotten into it. If your water comes from a well, the well may be picking up extra minerals. This can cause water in the toilet to smell like urine.

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Sperm can't come out through urine. Even if it could, you wouldn't be able to catch it from a toilet.

Where is urine emptied into?

The toilet at least that's where it Should go

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No, rabbit urine is not a carcinogen (cancer causing agent).

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A composting latrine with urine separation