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Q: Why plastic bags a big environmental nuisance?
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How do paper bags affect the environment?

the impact is that the plastic bags go to the landfill which makes the environment dirty and smelly and that if the plastic bags get burned it will pollute the air. If the plastic bags got burnt it makes air pollution.. It hurts the environment when its burned the harmeful chemincals go into the air and polute it. Plastic Bags effect the environment in a BIG way! They kill native wildlife like turtles for they think there jellyfish. The also clog up our drains and pollute our oceans and other water supplies.

How can you take personal responsibility in reducing your carbon footprint at home in your community?

It is easy. You have to start it from the basic like when you go shopping foods for your kichen, take your own big bag and try not to take plastic bag from the store or reuse the plastic bags that you have it. make it a habit and do everything the same as the way you do shopping above.

How many bags in 1 cubic meter?

1 Cubic Meter of sand can be split up in a number of ways. It depends on the size of the bags being used to hold it.

How has plastic spoiled on earth?

Plastic doesn't decompose, ever. It gathers to the rubbish dumps and other places it don't belong. Animals, especially birds may eat it and suffocate. Plastic bags left on water have gathered to the Northern Pacific ocean forming a giant raft of plastic rubbish. The raft is as big as Texas! We throw so much waste to the environment, it must stop or the environment will die. Also oil is used to make the plastic, so it pollutes the air heavily to make the plastic things. And most of it is not recycled. And oil will run out too in 60 years.

Problems caused to society by organic chemistry?

The main problem caused by organic chemist is the formation of polythene plastic which is in the form of shopping bags is a big problem for sewerage systems and for death of many children , but organic chemists performed highly appreciated work to prepare the thousands of medicines and a number of polymers.

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How can you stop the animal disappear?

by killing da asians and putting big plastic bags over big chimneys and dont use plastic

What does green field project mean?

green field projects are those projects which do not create any environmental nuisance (pollution), follows environmental management systemand EIA (environment impact assessment). these projects are usually of big magnitude.

Alternative plastic bags to consumers which are available?

paper bags, those green bags you can get in coles and woolies and stuff, tote bags, big handbags (gucci, bluebird etc.) lots and LOTS of healthy environmantal alternitives.

Where can one purchase extra large ziplock plastic bags?

Extra large zip lock plastic bags can be purchased at most local grocery stores. They can also be purchased at big box retailers like Walmart and Kmart.

Where can one buy small plastic bags?

When trying to buy smaller plastic bags, consumers do have options. Certain grocery stores will allow customers to buy bags beyond those needed for their food, typically at five cents per bag. Big box stores like Walmart also sell specialized bags in counts of 50 and 100.

Do silly bandz come in buckets?

Not that I know of, I buy them in the plastic bags. But maybe there is a store that opens all of them and puts them into a big barrel?

Why ban plastics bags?

The government should ban plastic bags because it is harmful for the environment. Eg. Because plastic bags are sometimes left on the ground they can get caught up in the ocean and kill fish and other sea creatureshere r some reasons:Plastic bags are made from polythene, a plastic made from oil, so even just reducing plastic bags will decrease foreign oil dependency. China will save 37 million barrels of oil each year because of their ban of free plastic bags.If you remember to bring your green or calico bag, you can save a minimum of 7 bags a week. That's 24 bags a month. 288 bags a year. 22 176 bags in an average of your lifetime.If just 1 out of 5 people did this in our country, we would save about 1.5 billion bags over our lifetime.A big problem with plastic bags is that they aren't easily biodegradable. However, over a long period of time, the plastic does break down into smaller, more toxic particles, which eventually contaminates soils and waterways. And as a consequence, the particles can enter the food chain and kill up to 200 different species a year.

Are canvas bags good for the environment?

yes canvas bags are great for the environment! You can reuse them so they are only made once, but used millions more times! most of them are big and strong to carry all your shopping according to statistics, it is estimated that we use 500 billion plastic bags per year. that's 5million million! so everybody use canvas bags!!!! Green Goddess It is estimated that by using just 1 canvas bag, you will eliminate the need for 1000 plastic bags!

How many bags of sugar is 175lbs?

It depends on how big the bags are.

When was Big Bags created?

Big Bags was created on 20-06-19.

Where can one purchase good quality big Buddha bags?

Big Buddha bags can be purchased directly from the Big Buddha website. In addition, the bags from this brand can be found at Amazon, Zappos, and Macy's.

Why should plastic bags not be left around in kids reach?

Plastic is a miracle substance. Like glass, plastic is waterproof and air tight, but plastic is flexible and much lighter than glass.Unfortunately, a thin film of plastic can also kill a child by suffocating him/her. Dozens of children (mostly infants) die every year because of plastic bags:Infants can roll over and get tangled in a thin bag like a dry cleaning bag left on a bed.Infants and toddlers can pull a bag over their heads and suffocate when they are unable to get them off.Sleeping infants can fall asleep next to a bag, roll over against it and suffocate.Dry cleaning bags, because they are large and extremely thin, are the most dangerous bags around the house. Garbage bags and thin plastic grocery bags are also dangerous around infants.There should be no plastic near an infant while he or she is sleeping. Even big, fluffy pillows and blankets can potentially suffocate an infant -- infants do not have the strength or awareness to get away from something once it covers the face.