

Why popular sovereignty?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Political doctrine that allowed the settlers of U.S. federal territories to decide whether to enter the Union as free or slave states. It was applied by Sen. stephen-a-douglasas a means to reach a compromise through passage of the kansas-nebraska-act. Critics of the doctrine called it "squatter sovereignty." The resulting violence between pro- and antislavery factions (see bleeding-kansas) showed its failure as a workable compromise.

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Popular sovereignty is important to a republic. The main principle of popular sovereignty is that the government is created by the people for the people.

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Why is popular sovereignty important parts of the government?

Because popular sovereignty is part of the government and when they elect the leader they needed popular sovereignty right that is why an important.

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Popular Sovereignty is a government in which the common people rule.

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popular sovereignty

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Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government

Who are those who rule in popular sovereignty?

Those who rule the popular sovereignty are the people.

Which provisions in the constitution ensure popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty refers to a political doctrine which states that governmental powers resides in the people. The Preamble ensures popular sovereignty.

What was the result of Bleeding Kansas?

popular sovereignty was an unworkable solution for the territories of Kansas and Nebraska

What is a priciple of popular sovereignty?

popular: majority sovereignty: rule therefore the people have total control