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Q: Why preheaters used in co2 cylinders?
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What do people use CO2 cylinders for?

C02 cylinders, or tanks, are used mainly for making soda water. They don't serve much other commercial use as the gas is highly toxic for the typical person.

Is CO2 used in glycolysis?

No, CO2 is not used in glycolysis.

When and why are sleeved cylinders used?

Why sleeved cylinders are used is when you want to increase the strength of the cylinder wall

What is the average distance used in CO2 car competition?

What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition What is the distance used in a CO2 car competition

What is the content of gas cylinders used in kitchens?

Gas cylinders used in kitchens would normally contain propane.

Can you make homemade soda?

There are small-scale apparatus for the domestic production of carbonated beverages. Naturally, they use small cylinders of CO2.

What are fluid power cylinders used for?

Companies in the fluid power cylinders and actuators industry manufacture hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders used in various devices, such as jacks, lifters, and machine tools.

Which characteristic of a gas is used in supplying oxygen cylinders to hospitals?

Compressibility. A lot of gas is forced into the cylinders.

What is a high pressure CO2 line used for?

High oressure CO2 line was used for a lining to create bombs

What material used in making LPG gas cylinder?

Pressurized cylinders for LPG are made of steel.

What will happen if 2 CO2 cylinders are attached to both the legs of a 50kg human?

He will be significantly heavier, and although the activity will probably awaken him, he will be totally unable to walk.

What is a Co2 regulator used for?

A Co2 regulator is used to allow the user to regulate the amount of Co2 that is being used. The regulator keeps the gas flowing at a slow, steady stream, as to prevent over-use of the gas.