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Q: Why radiation usually passes through gases more easily than through solids and liquids?
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What type of radiation can easily pass through a human?

Gamma radiation

Why does radiation usually transfer through a gas more easily than through solids or liquids?

Gas is much less dense than liquids or solids, which means that it has fewer particles (the particles generally being atoms or molecules) per unit volume, than there are in the denser materials. Hence, if something is travelling through a gas it is not going to hit as many particles a it would if it were travelling through a liquid or solid. And any time a photon hits another particle, it may be absorbed, or reflected, or defelcted in some manner by that particle.

What types of radiation does the universe allow to pass through?

Radiation can pass easily through space. It is the earth's atmosphere that protects us from dangerous levels.

What do negative charges move easily through?

Most easily?With an attracting or repelling field, a vacuum.In solids or liquids, in conductors.

Why can heat travel through space by radiation but not by conduction and convection?

For conduction and convection we need a material medium. But for radiation such a meaterial medium is not necessary. So in free space radiation can pass through easily.

Do liquids and solids diffuse easily?

Liquids do, but solids do not.

What Forms of radiation passes most easily through the disk of the Milky Way?

infrared light

Which radiation is the most easily absorbed?

alpha radiation :)

What type of radiation can easily pass through a human body?

Gamma Radiation penetrates farther than x-rays, which are partly absorbed by thick material such as bones.

Can liquids be compress easily?

No, you can't compress liquids easily. You can compress them a little bit, but thats all.

Which type of radiation could not get through the skin very easily?

I don't know because i'm also asking

Do x-rays go through vacuum?

Yes, easily. All types of electro-magnetic radiation - light, radio, radar, x-ray etc - pass very easily through vacuum.